Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran Highlight The Green Building Concept

Climate change is having a major impact on the travel and hospitality industry. As one of the largest hotel brand in the world Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran know that the potential climate change costs to business are huge.  

Standing at the heart of one of the Jakarta’s strategic commercial hubs, Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran is the first Holiday Inn in Jakarta. Adjacent to the 18-hole Bandar Kemayoran golf course, Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran is a perfect fit for either business or leisure, as it is only 1 km from Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO) and in close proximity to a plethora of shopping, dining and entertainment destinations such as Mangga Dua and Kelapa Gading.  

Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran offering 257 rooms with convenient facilities, including the largest Angsana Grand Ballroom in Kemayoran area that can accommodate up to 1,800 people, 6 functions room and 3 F&B outlet including Botany all Day Dining, Habitat Lounge and Innfinity Pool and Bar.

The hotel’s design is modern with Green Building concepts which part of IHG Green Engage program.   IHG Green Engage is the company’s online sustainability management system designed to help all IHG’s (Intercontinental Hotels Group) manage and minimize their impact on the environment. By measuring, managing and reporting on their specific energy, water and waste consumption, IHG Green Engage is able to tell each property what they can do to be a ‘green’ hotel, and how to conserve resources and save money depending on their climatic location.  

Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran are in a strong position to advance the development of new ‘green building’ technologies and processes, and to use critical metrics to bring them to market.   Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran hotel won’t just offer a great experience; it is bringing new environmental innovations to the region. Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran be the first hotel in the area that had been built under the ‘Green Building’ concept, improving performance across all the metrics that matter the most:  

  • The building envelope is the interface between the indoor and outdoor environments.
  • Materials selected for sustainable buildings should have appropriate performance, durability and environmental properties.
  • Energy efficiency has been optimized throughout the property with the use of energy saving lamps and LED lights.
  • Water efficiency has been implemented through new rainwater harvesting methods,
  • Solar hart panels have been installed for heating water.
  • Waste management will be handled with an innovative Sewage Treatment Plan (STP).
  • Maximizing natural building day-lighting and access to views.

“We live in a world where concerns about the environment and about sustainable development are a growing consideration for everyone,” says Cheah Hooi Theng, General Manager of Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran. 

“Application of our Green Building are covering design, operations and technologies aimed at reducing energy, water and waste, cutting carbon emissions, improving guest health and comfort, reducing operating and maintenance costs, and raising guest and staff awareness of sustainability issues.”   Holiday Inn Jakarta Kemayoran has taking the lead in demonstrating how the hospitality community can impact “greener” destinations for visitors, business and leisure travelers.  

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